The centre's staff is a group of enthusiastic volunteers who share a passion for sailing and the desire to involve the new generations in this fantastic sport.
He is the head coach of Kigamboni Sailing Center. He's a level 1, level 2 and level 3 coach from World Sailing. He has 12 years of experience in sailing. He's also a laser player and participated in several laser and catamaran competitions in different countries such as Algeria, Mozambique, Uganda, Kenya, South Africa, and Tanzania. He's also the coach of the National Team Tanzania.
Omary Lungoba plays an active role both in the sailing and kitesurfing department. He is a very talented sailors who in a very short time learmed how to sail skilfully both laser and catamaran. He has partecipated to various laser and catamaran competitions at the international level like the famous Tanzacat. Amongs his skills Omary is capable of fixing every kind of dinghy. He is a certified kitesurfing assistance and in the process of becoming a kitesurfing instructor.
Karim is the coach of Kigamboni Sailing Centre. He is a Level 1and 2 Sailing Instructor qualified by World Sailing. He has 15 years of experience in Sailing. He is also a keen sailor and he has partecipated to several lase and catamaran competitions in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania.